Wednesday 10 December 2008

UMATU Centre Gate & Guardhouse

Karatu is kind of in holiday mode at the moment. Monday was Eid al-Haj, the Islamic festival of the annual pilgrimage -- the Haj -- to Mecca, and Tuesday was Tanzania's Independence Day, celebrating 47 years of Independence from Colonialism.

On another note, UMATU Center is fenced and gated, complete with a strategically situated askari (guard) house. Against all odds, water is flowing and the electricity works so UMATU should be moving in later on this month or by early January at the latest.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a change from when I visited in June 2008! From just a piece of land to a fully functioning part of UMATU- Congratulations!
    Great Work!
    Beth Makepeace
