Friday 5 December 2008

World AIDS Week Outreach

In collaboration with Karatu District Health Department, CPAR and UMATU are conducting outreach activities at Karatu monthly market sites around the theme "Let's test and know our status". CPAR and UMATU talk about the benefits of getting tested so that depending on the result, one can take steps to stay negative or learn how to live positively. They are provided counselling services and District Health are offering testing services. Yesterday at Endabash over 50 people chose to test. Today the team is in Mangola, tomorrow they will travel to Mbulu Mbulu and on Sunday they will offer services at Karatu town Mnadani (market), the largest market in the district. UMATU members circulate through the hordes of people providing small group and one-to-one counselling and education on protecting oneself and others from HIV, proper use of condoms and they encourage people to test, if not at the market then at a designated health centre.

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