Monday 1 December 2008

World AIDS Day 2008

Today is World AIDS Day. The purpose of this designated day is to motivate and educate about HIV prevention, putting an end to stigma and discrimination, the importance of testing and knowing one's status, and the demonstration of "positive" living. First thing this morning, UMATU and CPAR learned about the death of a one-year old girl and admittance to hospital over the weekend of her young mother, Maria. Maria is HIV positive but has been living in denial. Now her CD4 count is low, her immune system is weak, and she has developed opportunistic infections. The hospital here is severely understaffed and patients don't get the care and attention they deserve, so UMATU has started a "hospital-based care" program modeled on the "home-based care" program. As soon as we heard about Maria, UMATU members went to see her to express their sympathy for her loss, to encourage and counsel her, and to ensure that she was getting proper care. It was a good thing they got on top of the situation. The doctor on duty hadn't even heard about the case but after talking to UMATU promised to examine Maria and take appropriate action. UMATU spent time with Maria, helped her with food and drink, and made her comfortable. Maria now says that she is ready to talk honestly with the doctor and start the treatment program. UMATU will be following up tomorrow. Without their intervention, the prognosis for Maria would be grim.

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