Tuesday 6 January 2009

Reflection on the final days of 2008

On World AIDS Day we spoke about Maria, admitted to hospital seriously ill with AIDS-related symptoms. Marie died on Sunday, December 14th. Had this been Canada or any other northern country, she could have been saved. Here, we have access only to first-line drugs, nothing magical to bring people with full-blown AIDS back from the brink so to speak. UMATU and CPAR feel more strongly than ever that people need to get the message loud and clear -- "don't run from being HIV positive. If you wait until you get sick, it is probably too late."

Just after Maria died, an UMATU member was admitted to hospital. Her family had talked her into returning home to her village, far away from the treatment program. She became ill and when we visited her in hospital, we found her having a bad reaction to a drug she had already been found to be allergic to. A doctor had administered the drug without reading her chart or consulting with medical staff from the Treatment Centre. Again, it was very helpful for UMATU, and CPAR this time, to step in to assist. We provided a mosquito net, light bulb, food of course and even medicine after the hospital pharmacy announced that the medicine we needed was finished. We also lobbied in earnest. After this experience, the Treatment Centre and the Hospital, which are located on the same compound, are communicating more effectively with each other. And, we're talking about the importance of people taking more responsibility for their healthcare, for example, knowing the names of the drugs they are taking and the drugs they are allergic to, and instructing health personnel accordingly.

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