Friday 28 August 2009

School Water Committee Training

We've been training primary school water committees at our most recent rainwater harvesting schools, Haraa and Qaru Lambo. Mohammed, our rainwater harvesting co-ordinator, and Sadiqi, our master fundi, facilitate the component concerned with management and maintenance of hardware and water, while Husna, our public health nurse, facilitates the health and hygiene aspect. Each water committee is comprised of teachers and students. We try to maintain a gender balance -- our approach to everything we do -- but it's a little difficult in schools where female teachers are outnumbered by males, a common occurrence in remote rural schools. CPAR Tz firmly upholds the basic human right to food and water, so our water committee trainings always include snacks, sodas and water.

Qaru Lambo School Water Committee, with Husna & Mohammed

Haraa School Water Committee

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