Friday 4 September 2009

Party at Qaru Lambo Primary School

We were invited to Qaru Lambo Primary School to celebrate their new rainwater harvesting tanks and latrines. The kids put on an amazing show -- lots of drumming, dancing and singing. There's a seasonal "lambo" (slough) nearby where they had been getting their drinking water, leading to all sorts of stomach problems. Now they're making jokes about it...

This project is supported by students at Kildonan-East Collegiate in Winnipeg as part of a larger program of development education and action. They're learning about development issues in the classroom and initiating a variety of activities, including selling perogies Perogy Power, to raise funds to support development initiatives in the field in Karatu District. Next year 2010 they will visit Tanzania to see and experience "development" in action.


  1. Thanks, Megan. Karibu sana Tanzania!

  2. I am honoured to be one the students who has been involved with this amazing project, and in May will be visiting Qaru Lambo school. This school has touched my heart, and when I watched the videos it brought tears to my eyes. I cant wait to meet you all, and share the celebration of clean water and new beginnings.

  3. I'm another student from Kildonan East Collegiate and these pictures and videos for me just made all the work weve done worthwhile, i think this is exactly what our group needed to motivate us that much more to raise the last $38 thousand dollars of our goal over the next few months. See you in 2010!!

  4. Hey Jessica and Brenna,

    We're glad you like the photos and videos, and wow -- you guys are amazing fundraisers! We're going to have a great visit in 2010!

  5. I am so amazed at what we have accomplished and the impact that we have had on these kids lives. In the early stages of the project very few of us thought we would be able to do what we have done. I am proud to be a Tanzania 2010 member: seeing this video makes our accomplishments so much more realistic. I am looking forward to meeting these children and exchanging some dance moves !

  6. Okay, Carah, get ready with the dance moves because these kids (along with CPAR Tz staff) can boogie... :-)
