Wednesday 12 August 2009

Let's Talk!

The "Sister Du's" are winding up their program with the girls at Awet Secondary School. After much discussion, reflection and laughter, the Tanzanian school girls and the Canadian nurses have learned a lot from each other. The subject matter has been substantial -- human rights, gender issues, sexual and reproductive health, building self-confidence, setting goals and overcoming obstacles. On Wednesday, the girls performed an igizo (skit) for the entire school. Building on their own experiences, they portrayed obstacles faced by many Tanzanian girls wishing to further their education. The girls themselves played all the roles -- the exasperated girl, the supportive but powerless mother, the chauvinistic father, the predatory boyfriend, the 'role' of HIV&AIDS -- and the result was both entertaining and disturbing. The theme for the performance was "Let's Talk". Post performance, there is a lot to keep talking about.

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