Monday 26 May 2008

Water for Esilalei School Kids

Last year, a group of artists from the United States visited Tanzania and were captivated during their visit to a primary school in the Masai community of Esilalei near Mto wa Mbu, Monduli District, a neighbour of Karatu. They met with the head teacher to learn about the challenges facing the school. When they heard that the school was using scarce funds to purchase water and have it trucked in, they decided to pitch in and help. They returned to the States and connected with AfricAid, an NGO supporting girls' education in Tanzania. AfricAid in turn linked up with CPAR Tanzania, and we are now working directly with Esilalei community to support their efforts to get water to their school.

The group of artists launched a successful fundraising campaign and work is now well underway to excavate a trench from a District water source, lay pipeline and establish water points at the school. CPAR has appreciated the opportunity to get to know Esilalei community and we've really enjoyed our meetings. Our meeting with the Laibon, the local spiritual leader who has 300 children, 16 wives and 3,000 head of cattle, was particularly interesting. We helped the community move some equipment to the construction site of the new Laibon primary school. Classes one and two will be accommodating 127 of the Laibon's kids. It's great that he's committed to their education. We would like at some point to engage the community in discussions on sexual and reproductive health issues, but we will first need to earn that right.

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