Friday 16 May 2008


In September 2005, two women approach CPAR Tz. They had just joined the newly introduced HIV & AIDS treatment program at Karatu District Hospital, and due to the prevailing stigma and lack of information, were feeling isolated and alone. They wanted to learn more about HIV & AIDS and asked if we could help. The next day, Karatu's first support group for PLHIV (people living with HIV) was born. We facilitated education on all sorts of issues, from basic human rights, sexual and reproductive health issues, treating opportunistic infections, maintaining good nutrition, etc.

During World AIDS Week in December 2006, UMATU members chose to go public with their status – a landmark event in Karatu. They conducted outreach education during World AIDS Week, and on World AIDS Day marched through Karatu town and spoke out on human rights and abolishing the stigma at the town’s celebrations. As a result of their openness, more women started to come forward and UMATU’s membership continues to grow. Members are now equipped to offer counselling, small business training and treatment and nutrition advice to new women members as complementary services to the existing ART program. The group chose the name UMATU (Upendo na Matumaini) (Love & Hope), registered officially as a community based organization, and today has a membership of 56 women "living positively".

UMATU's vision is that all people living with HIV & AIDS are living “positively” as respected, fully functioning members of society. They are committed to abolishing stigma through education to encourage people to test, know their status, know their options, and for those who are positive to join the treatment program and be part of a support group so that they can know their full spectrum of human rights and live positively.

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