Thursday 22 May 2008

Excavation has begun!

Excavation has begun on UMATU's land. The happy people in the photo are Japhet from CPAR, and Prisca, Marietha, Sophia and Angela from UMATU. This has been a long time coming so we're all happy, relieved and a little nervous because, of course, we want the place to be perfect. Current plans include construction of:

- an office building, where UMATU can organize and implement its outreach activities. UMATU members go out into the community to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS, and encourage people to test and know their status. Those who test negative are shown how to protect their status through active prevention methods. Those who test positive are encouraged to join the treatment program, join a support group and live healthy, fulfilled lives "positively", as demonstrated by UMATU's active members.

- a bakery because Karatu is in desperate need of some decent bread. Luckily, UMATU wants to fill that niche and run a successful business that will help them sustain their activities.

- a training centre (classroom) for ongoing education and skill-building activities in the community.

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