Monday 22 March 2010

World Water Day 2010

Kids and rainwater at Mikocheni Primary School

Water! Here in rural Tanzania, we think about it and we worry about it constantly. Happily, it rained heavily on Saturday night and again last night. We were concerned that "the rains" had stopped in which case farmers, food production and the entire Karatu water supply would have been in trouble. Now it seems that "the rains" just might be continuing... but of course we can't be sure.

The theme for this year's World Water Day is "Clean Water for a Healthy World". Our Rainwater Harvesting project in rural primary schools harvests rainwater off school rooftops to provide clean water for drinking and handwashing which can then be recycled for cleaning classrooms and latrines, and planting trees.

Under our Food Security program with local farmers, we will be exploring other cost-effective forms of rainwater harvesting, such as plastic-lined open storage "tanks" made of earth, and the use of simple water technologies like treadle (foot operated) pumps to lift water from its source, and gravity-fed drip irrigation systems using tubing and buckets. We are presently training groups of women in Kambi ya Simba village to use these micro irrigation technologies to create large vegetable gardens. More on that later...

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