Tuesday 20 October 2009

Please don't stop fundraising for Awet!

Construction of Awet Girls' Dormitory is complete. Now we need to build latrine/shower facilities and purchase bunk beds. We have yet to reach our goal of raising Cdn $65,000. The good news is that we are only Cdn $10,000 short. We've been discussing this shortfall today, breaking it down like this: If 10,000 people each gave $1, Awet would be set. If 5,000 people each gave $2, we'd be there! If 1,000 people each parted with $10, that would be it!

We appeal to our friends and supporters to dig into your pockets and spare some change. Please visit CPAR's website to make a donation. Every little bit will help us reach our goal to ensure that Awet dormitory is ready for girls at the start of the new school year in January.

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