Thursday 23 July 2009

Is it football or is it soccer!?!

Saturday was our visitor's final day at Awet. Canada challenged Tanzania to a 'soccer' game and Tanzania accepted the challenge to play 'football'. 'Football' is taken very seriously in this part of the world. Among CPAR Tz staff alone, 'Manchester United", "Liverpool", "Chelsey" and "Arsenal" are ardently supported. In fact, when our visitor 'Chelsey' introduced herself to Awet's 600 school kids, they all nodded knowingly.

The game itself was interesting. In the absence of jerseys, there was initial bewilderment over who was playing for which team. The Canadian/North American team (joined by CPAR Tz's 4 American volunteers) recruited several Tanzanians, and the Tanzanian team recruited several North Americans. While the players were sorting out their confusion, the Tanzanian team moved in and scored two quick goals. The North Americans then pulled it together and the game ended with a 3 all tie.

The Tanzanians have now challenged the North Americans to the next game to take place somewhere in North America...

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