Thursday 23 October 2008

Pig Training

Over the past few weeks, Nderingo and Deo have been co-facilitating pig training with the Karatu District Livestock officer. We are targeting vulnerable, i.e. low-income, households, particularly focusing on female-headed households and households affected by HIV. The training covers such topics as how to construct a simple piggery structure; prevention and management of diseases; feed formulation; and reproduction. Many people keep free range pigs. We are trying to discourage this practice because pigs are vulnerable to diseases and parasites, and when they are running around freely they tend to destroy crops and have a negative affect on health and hygiene around the household, as you can see in the photo. Pigs are a lucrative income-generating activity in Karatu Distict. Pigs are prolific -- a sow can have on average two litters a year, and one litter can yield 12 piglets -- and a six-month old pig can fetch $80 to $100.

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