Friday 25 July 2008

Dairy Goats

Recently Nderingo and Deo roamed around neighbouring districts, venturing over 200 km away from Karatu to buy goats. They'd find several in one location, load them up and travel together to the next location. Bit by bit they gathered up 100 rambunctious goats and made their way back to Karatu. CPAR Tz is supporting rural women's household nutrition and income-generation through distribution of 80 dairy goats and 20 male goats (beberu). So far, 80 women have undergone training and taken possession of dairy goats. They are sharing the male goats. Each woman will provide training and pass on her first born female goat to another woman, and so on and so on and so on...

Until now, goats have been owned by men. With this initative, women are busting through the gender barrier with full support of the men who know that resources in the hands of women benefit the whole family.

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