Friday 24 September 2010

Boreholes in Bunda!

We have ventured into new territory. After six years of building rainwater harvesting infrastructure in primary schools in Karatu District, we are taking a different approach to address water challenges in Bunda District. Subsequent to hydrogeological and environmental assessments of Bunda, located in the Lake Victoria watershed, boreholes (deep water wells) are found to be a feasible solution to water problems faced by our project communities.

Karukekere village is a farming community about 8 km from Lake Victoria which is the largest lake in Africa, divided up among Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. (As a point of interest, the White Nile flows out of Lake Victoria at Jinja, Uganda.) Karukekere community members have depended on seasonal sloughs and water from the lake -- both contaminated -- to meet their water needs.

As Japhet, Nderingo and Elizabeth were on hand in Karukekere, pretty stressed out as we all waited for the drillers to strike 'gold', all of a sudden water erupted (see the photo above). Actually, any water project is stressful. With rainwater harvesting, we anxiously await the rains. With boreholes, even with the best information, there's still no iron-clad guarantee that you're going to end up with a reliable source of good quality water. That being said, things are looking very good at Karukekere as we await the results of the water analysis.

Drilling is but one component of a water project. How the water will be used is the really important focus. Tanzania's National Water Policy stipulates that every water point must be managed by a Water User Group (WUG). The WUG, made up of local women and men, ensures that the water source is used effectively and efficiently, and is conserved, protected and maintained. The WUG mediates any disputes that might arise and the members serve as representatives at District and Catchment level. CPAR is collaborating with Bunda District Water Department to train and support the Karukekere WUG, and we will then turn our attention to promoting good sanitation and hygiene practices.