Monday 25 January 2010

Back to Blogging...

After a slight break in blogging, we're back for 2010! Our Bunda basecamp is up and running and Bunda farmer field schools are at work in their fields. Bunda's major growing season is November-December while Karatu's big season is starting now.

We provided ox ploughs to members of Karatu Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in November and December, and distributed short maturity papaya seedlings from our tree nursery for planting around households. The recipient farmers will in turn serve as a source of papaya seeds for other community members. Most recently we've been delivering improved maize, lablab and pigeon pea seeds to FFS members to establish revolving seed loan funds. After harvest, they pay cash for the seeds into the revolving fund, and are then able to purchase seeds in bulk the next planting season to distribute to a greater number of farmers. We actually purchased the lablab seeds from our FFS farmers from previous years, who continue to collaborate successfully in Savings and Credit Cooperatives where they pool their funds to provide loans to the members.

Our problem now is the lack of rain in Karatu...